Welcome to the Newshounds media literacy program! I’m Squiz-E the Newshound.
I can’t wait for you and your class to join me as I learn about media literacy and find out how to spot misinformation and disinformation in the media we come across every day.

Get prepared by reading the teacher booklet and distributing the student booklet. Then, as a class, press play on the podcast, stopping at the appropriate points to have a discussion and complete the student work book.

Misinformation and Disinformation
What is misinformation and disinformation and why should we know about it?
In this lesson, students learn that everyone should Stop, Think, and Check before passing on information they come across on the internet. Students will play for a lockpick kit in this session to open the door to the truth.
Click here for badges to be presented to students on the successful completion of this session.
This is one of a series of eight FREE gamified lessons with accompanying resources and podcasts that have been aligned to the Australian, New South Wales and New Zealand Curriculums.
You can join me for one lesson, or do all eight by clicking here to sign up.

What educators say about Newshounds...
"Newshounds should be in every Year Four to Six classroom! It is a clear, engaging way to teach media
literacy. The content is thought provoking, eye opening and helps the students to better navigate this complex world we live in."
Year 5 Teacher, Ivanhoe, Vic
“I absolutely loved doing Newshounds with my class last year. It was one of the best programs we did.
My students were highly engage and loved making their podcasts which they shared with the whole school."
Year 6 Teacher, Munno Para, SA
This program is about "participating in fun and meaningful activities which guide them in recognising and creating quality media."
Chris L., Year 5/6 Teacher, International Grammar School, NSW
"As a teacher of 25 years’ experience, I am always adapting to our changing society and student needs. I followed the program through totally. The resource they have is easily accessed by a busy class teacher who isn’t the most technologically
Gerald R., Year 6 Teacher, Belmont State School, Qld
"The teacher manual made it super easy to teach and the curriculum mapping meant I was able to easily slot it into existing units of work. I’ll be using it again this year with my Year 5 class."
Karen F., Year 6 Teacher, Manly State School, Qld
“The overwhelmingly positive feedback from families
after their children have accessed the program and reiterated how their child now engages with media highlights the importance of having this program as a key component of our teaching and learning programs"
Christy H., Year 5/6 Teacher, Exeter Public School, NSW
“This program is such a beautiful package for upskilling students to identify mis- and dis-information and to think critically when they come across a range of media.”
Catherine B., Year 4 teacher, Ngunnawal Primary School, ACT
"I cannot recommend it highly enough. The teacher manual that comes with Newshounds means I don’t
need to be an expert in media literacy to teach it."
Jayne A., Year 5/ 6 Teacher, Cannon Hill State School, Qld