Wednesday, 14 October, 2020

Mars so close you can touch it; Singapore’s plane to nowhere; the world’s biggest pumpkin; and meet Wesley the wonder dog.



Wesley the candidate for Glen Eira:

Big pumpkin:

Squiz Kids Instagram:

Got a birthday coming up and you want a shout-out? Send us an email at [email protected]






If you get a moment some time in the next couple of nights, and the skies above your head are clear, AND you want to gaze upon another planet – then be sure to go outside and look up. Because the planet Mars is as close to Earth in the next couple of days as it will ever be.

Why’s that, I hear you ask. Because Mars is currently in what’s called ‘opposition’ – which means we here on Earth are currently sitting directly between the planet Mars and the Sun. 

What that means for star gazers is that you can see Mars in the night’s sky – without the aid of a telescope.

Astronomers say that Mars will rise just after sunset, but the best time to view it is around midnight when it reaches its highest point in the sky – and that star gazers in Queensland will have the best view. 

How do you spot it? It’s easy according to astronomers. Just look for the brightest thing in the night’s sky which also happens to be orange in colour.

It should be visible to the naked eye through until November – so don’t worry if you can’t see it tonight. 

And because Mars is in opposition to Earth every two and a half years, you’ll have another chance in 2022 if you miss it this time around..




Each day we give the world globe a spin and find a news story from wherever it stops. And today, we’ve landed in Singapore – the island nation in South East Asia – just to Australia’s north – where Singaporeans are lining up to board planes to nowhere. 

Singapore Airlines has decided to turn a couple of its A380 planes parked at Changi Airport into restaurants – offering people the chance to come aboard, eat a meal while the plane sits on the tarmac, and then get off the plane and go home again. 

The airline yesterday reported that seats on the plane for the unique dining experience had sold out in 30 minutes. With prices starting at $650 for the first class experience, and coming down to $50 for a meal in economy class. It seems some people just really miss the whole travel experience. 




He wants to expand dog parks, make cats illegal and ensure that every dog has the right to sleep on its owner’s bed. Meet Wesley – the dog from Melbourne who’s   running for council in Glen Eira.

Wesley has set up a Facebook page in which he – or maybe it’s his owners – have set out Wesley’s vision for his corner of Australia’s second largest city.

He wants free vet visits for all pooches, he loves the beach and wants a beach in every Glen Eira backyard, he’s no fan of cats – but then what dog is? – and he promises, if elected, to introduce unlimited doggie treats for all his canine brother and sisters.

He may also just be kidding. But, as Melbourne faces the prospect of an extension to its lockdowns – he may also be just the injection of humour that the city needs. 

Vote 1 Wesley we say. Or at the very least, check out the link in today’s episode notes to his Facebook page for a bit of a giggle. 




A farmer in the United States has won a local pumpkin growing contest entering a massive pumpkin weighing over 1000 kilograms – which is about twice as heavy as your average cow. 

Whilst it was growing, the pumpkin was watered and fertilised up to 10 times a day – growing so large and so heavy that it needed a crane to be lifted onto the scales to be measured. 

There’s a link in today’s episode notes to photos of the mega-pumpkin.

Imagine all the pumpkin soup you could make with that big bopper…




Every second Wednesday we stick our heads into the Squiz Kids kitchen to see what Squiz Kids ambassador, Rosie has been whipping up … and this week, she’s been cooking a recipe sent in by Eva … 

They’re called Eva’s No Bake Nutella Bars … and according to Rosie, they make for an excellent lunch box or after-school snack – just the thing, she reckons, to help with the back to school blues. Even if the hardest part is being patient enough to let them set in the fridge overnight! Mmmm. Nutella.

The recipe plus photos of the preparation process and finished product are all on the Squiz Kids website. 

And don’t forget: if you have a favourite recipe that YOU like to cook that you’d like Rosie to try… AND to feature in this segment – be sure to send it to: [email protected].




This is the part of the podcast where you get to test how well you’ve been listening …

  1. Which planet is shining bright in the night sky this week?
  2. What’s the name of the dog joke-running for council in Melbourne’s Glen Eira?
  3. What sort of vegetable did a US farmer grow to weigh a whopping 1000 kilograms?




It’s October 14 …  birthdays of cricketers Glenn Maxwell and Ashton Agar … as well as authors Kate Grenville and Miles Franklin. On the subject of books …  on this day 68 years ago, a book called Charlotte’s Web was published … so here’s cheers to Wilbur the pig. 

It’s also only 72 sleeps ‘til Christmas … and yes, I will be doing this countdown every couple of days .. because who doesn’t love Christmas?

Plus it’s a special day for these Squiz Kids celebrating a birthday today … Monica from Leichhardt, Sarah from Wellington Point, Charlie from Abbotsford, Chelsea from Kiama Downs, Kola from Brisbane, Scarlett from Sydney, Ruby from Mitcham, Lilly from Carroll, Sam from Rozelle, Scarlett from Redlynch, Aiden from St Helens Park, Ban from NSW and Oliver from Bathurst.

Today’s belated birthday shoutout goes to…James from Noosa Heads.

Happy birthday one and all!

Classroom shoutouts… The Year 4 students at Cottesloe Primary School, Class 3/4G from Glenbrook Public School, Mrs Slade and Stage 3 at Dalmeny Public School, and Miss Halls’ 3/4 class and Year 5/6 at Boorowa Central School. And a very special shoutout to Amelie from class 3-2 at St Andrew’s College in Redlynch, who is leaving to go to school on Hamilton Island. Her classmates and teacher Mrs McCormick wanted to say goodbye and good luck, and that they will miss her very much.


The S’Quiz Answers:

  1. Mars
  2. Wesley
  3. Pumpkin