Tuesday, June 27, 2023

A failed military mutiny in Russia; The world’s most remote post office; a surfing seal; and the biggest gathering of Dolly Partons.



The World’s most remote post office


Surfing Seal 


Dolly Parton Imitators



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At Squiz Kids we’ve spoken about the war in Ukraine since it began 17 months ago, when the country Russia ordered troops to invade neighbouring country, Ukraine.

The leader of Russia is President Vladimir Putin.  He wants Ukraine to be part of Russia, which is why he sent troops to invade, attacking the country in the hope of claiming it as more land for Russia.

Since the war began in February 2022 more than 2 million people have become refugees, fleeing their home and their lives in Ukraine.

Over the weekend, another development unfolded.

One of Russia’s most senior military commanders, who is also one of Putin’s closest advisors – turned on the Russian President, and criticised his leadership.

This man leads a privately owned mercenary group called The Wagner Group (pronounced Varg-ner).  And they announced they were going to challenge Putin and the Russian army.

What is a mercenary? It’s a  professional soldier who works for  money, they don’t represent any particular country.

But soon after the Wagner mutiny was announced, nothing really happened.  They promised to march to Moscow – the Russian capital where Putin is located – , but they didn’t quite get there.

What the dispute does show though, is that there are internal tensions within Russia and its leaders and its military, some of whom are questioning the reasons for invading Ukraine in the first place. Watch this space. 



Each day we give the world globe a spin and find a news story from wherever it stops .. and today we’ve landed in Antarctica, where you can find the world’s most remote post post office.

Antarctica is the continent right at the very bottom of the globe, the temperature is always below zero and it’s covered in ice.  

On the western side, there is an island, where you can find a huge colony of Gentoo penguins and a tiny wooden hut.  This is Port Lockroy.  It’s known as the penguin post office and it’s also a tiny museum, gift shop and home to 4 people who are chosen to run it for a few months of the year.

There is no internet or running water.  Every day snow needs to be shovelled off the roof, and every day the team needs to monitor the local penguins.  Tourists, scientists and adventurers who come through Antarctica can visit this extremely remote base, they can learn about the history of the area and of course, send a postcard back to their family at home.   





Off the coast of San Diego, which is a city on the West coast of the United States, there has recently become quite an unusual attraction at one of the popular surf beaches.

Locals and marine experts are equally baffled and impressed at the site of Sammy the surfing seal.

For the past few days, at the same wave break,  a Harbour Seal pup has been happily jumping up on surfboards, and hanging ten.  Surfers have named him Sammy.  There is a great video, even some drone footage, which I’ll post in the episode notes, of Sammy getting on surfboards, riding the waves and then hopping onto other boards and surfing again.  Day after day, Sammy has turned up in the same spot, showing off his surfing skills.  The local Seaworld has checked on Sammy, and they say while it’s extremely rare, Sammy is healthy and obviously just a really friendly seal pup.




Do you know the name of the very popular American country singer who has the hits Jolene, or 9 to 5, or what about Islands In The Stream?  It’s the one and only, Dolly Parton. Now, she is loved all over the world, but there is one town in Ireland which seems to be going above and beyond expressing its love to the superstar.

Over the weekend, the small town called Listowel celebrated Dolly Day. And around 1 thousand people gathered together, all dressed up as Dolly, in their blond wigs and sang songs dedicated to their idol.

Local stores sold sequins, cowboy hats and all types of clothes that Dolly would wear.

Their aim was to put the town on the map, and get into the Guinness World Records for the largest gathering of Dolly Partons.  

If you’re scratching your head trying to remember some Dolly songs, ask someone to play one for you after school. You’ll love them.

The real Dolly is in fact in the Guinness World Records herself for releasing the most number of albums, which is 65 music albums across her career. What a way to make a living.  



This is the part of the podcast where you get to test how well you’ve been listening …

  1. On which continent is the world’s most remote post office?
  2. Can you name a song by American country superstar Dolly Parton?  
  3. Sammy the seal has taken up an unusual activity, what does he like to do?





It’s June 27 – National Onion Day. The vegetable that makes you cry when you slice them, I bet you’ll be surprised how much onion you actually eat, because there’s usually a lot snuck into your bolognese.v

Today is also a special day for these Squiz Kids celebrating a birthday today … 

Henry from Ivanhoe, Oscar from Bardon, Kaitlin from Maroubra, Max from Brisbane, Ivy and Yourm from Wagga Wagga, Harrison from Mount Hawthorn, Mia from Seaford, Ava from Yarrawonga and Tabitha listening over in Edinburgh, Scotland. 

Belated shout outs go to… Mikaela from Carlingford, Bodhi and Lexi from Bawley Point and Hadley from Lilli Pilli.

Classroom Shoutouts today go to … class 5/6 with Mrs McIntyre at Penrith South Public School, class 5/6K and Miss Kim at Epping West Public School, class S3J at Bellbird Public School, class 5W and Mr Coyle at Villa Maria Catholic Primary School in Hunters Hill and lastly to class 5 yellow and Mrs Pegoraro at ​​Shorehaven Primary School in Alkimos. 


The S’Quiz Answers:

  1. Antarctica
  2. She’s actually written 3 thousand songs, so there are so many correct answers.  The ones I mentioned earlier were Jolene, 9 to 5 and Islands in the stream.
  3. Sammy likes to go surfing


Don’t forget .. if you’ve got a birthday coming up and you want a shout out  – or if you want a classroom shout out – drop us a line at [email protected] or fill out the form on our website.  

That’s all we have time for. Thanks for listening to Squiz Kids Today – we’ll be back again tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and have a most excellent day.  Over and out.