Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Your daily kids news podcast.
A big burger beetroot crisis; German teen rides the rails; berry farm soccer showdown; and a near miss satellite collision.
Australia’s facing a snack snag, thanks to tricky supply chains. But hey, it’s the perfect time to become a beetroot pickling wizard or say bye to sugary sodas. Adventure awaits in the aisles!
Here’s a beetroot recipe to get you pickling.
Meet Lasse, the German teen who turned trains into his home, sweet home! With the world as his office, he’s coding apps and choosing between mountains or beaches daily. Who needs a desk when you’ve got a train ticket and big dreams?
After a long day of berry picking, workers from Timor Leste find laughter and friendship in soccer. What started as a kick-around, turned into an epic farm league, proving soccer’s power to unite, spark friendly rivalries, and make every berry sweeter.
While you were chilling last Wednesday, two satellites nearly had a cosmic crash 608 km up! It’s like a space thriller, but real. This close shave in the sky highlights the need for space junk and satellite rules.
For the full episode transcript, click here.
BBC Earth Experience Family Pass Giveaway
The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre is currently hosting the BBC Earth Experience. The experience will take visitors on a majestic 360-degree audio visual journey as they marvel and explore iconic landscapes and connect with mesmerising animals on an epic adventure bringing environments to life, all with bespoke narration from Sir David Attenborough. It feels like you have stepped into the natural world and lost yourself in boundless wonder, as you travel to far flung places.
Want to win one of three family passes we have to give away? Simply create a 20-second video of yourself as you pretend to narrate your very own Earth Experience documentary. Email your video to us at [email protected] by this Friday, the 8th of March, with your parents’ permission for us to use the video on our social media, and we’ll announce the lucky winners next Monday.